libcosim 0.9.0
C++ library for distributed co-simulation
Public Member Functions | List of all members
cosim::function Class Referenceabstract

An interface for function instances. More...

#include <cosim/function/function.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for cosim::function:
cosim::linear_transformation_function cosim::vector_sum_function< T >

Public Member Functions

virtual function_description description () const =0
 Returns a description of the function instance. More...
virtual void set_real (const function_io_reference &reference, double value)=0
 Sets the value of a real input variable. More...
virtual void set_integer (const function_io_reference &reference, int value)=0
 Sets the value of an integer input variable. More...
virtual void set_boolean (const function_io_reference &reference, bool value)=0
 Sets the value of a boolean input variable. More...
virtual void set_string (const function_io_reference &reference, std::string_view value)=0
 Sets the value of a boolean input variable. More...
virtual double get_real (const function_io_reference &reference) const =0
 Retrieves the value of a real variable. More...
virtual int get_integer (const function_io_reference &reference) const =0
 Retrieves the value of an integer variable. More...
virtual bool get_boolean (const function_io_reference &reference) const =0
 Retrieves the value of a boolean variable. More...
virtual std::string_view get_string (const function_io_reference &reference) const =0
 Retrieves the value of a real variable. More...
virtual void calculate ()=0
 Performs the function calculations. More...

Detailed Description

An interface for function instances.


In the context of this library, a "function" is some operation that is performed on variables between co-simulation time steps, i.e., at synchronisation points.

A function has a set of input and output variables which can be connected to compatible simulator input and output variables. It thus becomes part of the overall connection graph of the system in much the same way as simulators. As an example, consider the following system:

| S1 |---.   .---.
'----'   '-->|   |       .----.
             | F |------>| S3 |
.----.   .-->|   |       '----'
| S2 |---'   '---'

Here, F is a function that has two input variables, connected to the output variables of simulators S1 and S2, and one output variable, connected to an input variable of simulator S3. F could for example represent a summation operation.

The principal difference between a function and a simulator is that no (simulated) time passes during the evaluation of a function. A simulation of the above system through synchronisation points t0, t1, ... would thus proceed as follows:

  1. Advance S1, S2 and S3 from time t0 to time t1
  2. Calculate F
  3. Advance S1, S2 and S3 from time t1 to time t2
  4. Calculate F
  5. ...and so on

Another important difference is that, while a simulator has a flat, static set of variables, a function's variables are organised in groups, and the number and properties of the variables can vary dynamically. In particular, the following properties may be defined as run-time parameters:

This enables one to define versatile, generic function types that can be used in a wide range of situations.

As an example, we could define a "vector sum" function that accepts an arbitrary number of input vectors (group instances) of arbitrary dimension (variable instances), supporting both real and integer vectors (variable type). See vector_sum_function_type for a concrete implementation of this.

Function types and function instances

To be more precise, we need to distinguish between function types and function instances. The distinction is analogue to that between a class and an object in object-oriented programming, or – perhaps more relevantly – between a model and a simulator in this library. Above, we've sloppily referred to both as "functions", but the difference is crucial.

A function type defines the function in an abstract way. This includes which parameters it has, which input/output variables it has and how they depend on the parameters, and so on. Function types are represented in code by the function_type interface.

Given a function type and a set of concrete parameter values, you can create a function instance. This the entity that you add to an execution and which performs the actual calculations during a simulation. You cannot change the parameter values of a function instance, only its input variable values. Function instances are represented in code by the function interface, and are typically created with function_type::instantiate().

Member Function Documentation

◆ calculate()

virtual void cosim::function::calculate ( )
pure virtual

Performs the function calculations.

Implemented in cosim::linear_transformation_function, and cosim::vector_sum_function< T >.

◆ description()

virtual function_description cosim::function::description ( ) const
pure virtual

Returns a description of the function instance.

The returned object may not contain any function_parameter_placeholder values, since all parameters must have a specific value once the function has been instantiated.

Implemented in cosim::linear_transformation_function, and cosim::vector_sum_function< T >.

◆ get_boolean()

virtual bool cosim::function::get_boolean ( const function_io_reference reference) const
pure virtual

Retrieves the value of a boolean variable.

If reference refers to an output variable, the function is only required to return a valid value after calculate() has been called, and before the next call to any of the set_xxx() functions.

Implemented in cosim::vector_sum_function< T >, and cosim::linear_transformation_function.

◆ get_integer()

virtual int cosim::function::get_integer ( const function_io_reference reference) const
pure virtual

Retrieves the value of an integer variable.

If reference refers to an output variable, the function is only required to return a valid value after calculate() has been called, and before the next call to any of the set_xxx() functions.

Implemented in cosim::linear_transformation_function, and cosim::vector_sum_function< T >.

◆ get_real()

virtual double cosim::function::get_real ( const function_io_reference reference) const
pure virtual

Retrieves the value of a real variable.

If reference refers to an output variable, the function is only required to return a valid value after calculate() has been called, and before the next call to any of the set_xxx() functions.

Implemented in cosim::linear_transformation_function, and cosim::vector_sum_function< T >.

◆ get_string()

virtual std::string_view cosim::function::get_string ( const function_io_reference reference) const
pure virtual

Retrieves the value of a real variable.

If reference refers to an output variable, the function is only required to return a valid value after calculate() has been called, and before the next call to any of the set_xxx() functions.

The returned string view must remain valid at least until the next time any of the functions in this interface are called.

Implemented in cosim::vector_sum_function< T >, and cosim::linear_transformation_function.

◆ set_boolean()

virtual void cosim::function::set_boolean ( const function_io_reference reference,
bool  value 
pure virtual

Sets the value of a boolean input variable.

Implemented in cosim::vector_sum_function< T >, and cosim::linear_transformation_function.

◆ set_integer()

virtual void cosim::function::set_integer ( const function_io_reference reference,
int  value 
pure virtual

Sets the value of an integer input variable.

Implemented in cosim::linear_transformation_function, and cosim::vector_sum_function< T >.

◆ set_real()

virtual void cosim::function::set_real ( const function_io_reference reference,
double  value 
pure virtual

Sets the value of a real input variable.

Implemented in cosim::linear_transformation_function, and cosim::vector_sum_function< T >.

◆ set_string()

virtual void cosim::function::set_string ( const function_io_reference reference,
std::string_view  value 
pure virtual

Sets the value of a boolean input variable.

Implemented in cosim::vector_sum_function< T >, and cosim::linear_transformation_function.

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