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This co-simulation demonstrator is based in the work presented in [1,2], and the reader is referred to these references and the references within for more details. Hence, any in-depth details regarding the submodels are considered out of scope here, except information useful for running the co-simulation demonstrator.

The demonstrator includes five different fmus, and a short description of these are given in Table 1.

Table 1: List of FMUs in the DP-vessel demonstrator case.

FMU name Description
OSOM This is a model of a simplified offshore DP-vessel [1,2].
NLPobserver This is the wave-filter, a Non-Linear Passive observer [3].
ReferenceGenerator This is a model that based on way-points, given as scenario parameters from the user, generates reference signals for the DP-system.
DPController This is the DP-controller model that controls the position and the orientation of the vessel.
ThMPC This is the thrust allocation algorithm.

Note that all these fmus contains binaries for both win64 and linux64.

Model Descriptions

In the following, each model in Table 1 is presented with focus on running the demonstrator.


This fmu contains a simplified vessel model including an irregular sea-state, currents and simple hydrodynamics based on potential theory (including second order wave forces) [4]. The vessel model also contains two rotatable main propulsors placed symmetrical at the stern and one tunnel thruster in the bow.

This model has been exported from 20Sim and because of a limitation in the exporter, the model parameters cannot be changed by the user in a co-simulation. Some of the main parameters that are hard-coded are given in Table 2. The model I/O for the OSOM fmu are described in Table 3.

Table 2: Main vessel parameters.

Parameter Value
Mass 2365000 kg
Length 107 m
Width 22 m
Draught 5 m
Significant wave hight 1.5 m
Wave spektrum peak period 8 s
Wave encounter direction from north
Northward current -0.2 m/s
Number of wave components 50 -

Table 3: Vessel model inputs and outputs (I/O).

Name I/O Description
Thrust_d[1] I Global thrust force always pointing towards north (NED convention)
Thrust_d[2] I Global thrust force always pointing towards east (NED convention)
Thrust_d[3] I Global thrust force (torque) in yaw (NED convention)
input[1] I Port-side main thruster azimuth angle
input[2] I Starboard-side main thruster azimuth angle
q[1] O North position coordinate (global)1
q[2] O East position coordinate (global)
q[3] O Yaw orientation coordinate (global, ≈ heading)


This fmu contains a wave filter (a Non-Linear Passive observer [3]). The purpose of this filter is to filter out the fastest oscillating wave-induced motion disturbances from the position and orientation measurements from the vessel, the ones that the onboard power and propulsion system cannot compensate for without drawing an enormous amount of power. The filter also estimates the position and orientation rates which the DP-controller needs for providing sufficient damping to the vessel motions. Note that also this fmu is generated from exported code from 20Sim, hence, no scenario parameters can be changed by the user. Nevertheless, the parameters hard-coded in the NLPO match the parameters in the vessel model.

The model I/O for the NLPobserver is given in Table 4.

Table 4: Wave filter inputs and outputs (I/O).

Name I/O Description
tau[1] I Global thrust force always pointing towards north (NED convention)
tau[2] I Global thrust force always pointing towards east (NED convention)
tau[3] I Global thrust force (torque) in yaw (NED convention)
y[1] I North position coordinate (global)
y[2] I East position coordinate (global)
y[3] I Yaw orientation coordinate (global, ≈ heading)
y_hat[1] O Filtered north position coordinate (global)
y_hat[2] O Filtered east position coordinate (global)
yhat_[3] O Filtered yaw orientation coordinate (global, ≈ heading)
v_hat[1] O Filtered north position rate (d/dt y_hat[1])
v_hat[2] O Filtered east position rate (d/dt y_hat[2])
v_hat[3] O Filtered yaw orientation rate (d/dt y_hat[3])


This fmu contains a reference position generator, which, based on user defined inputs, generates continuous reference signals for the DP-controller (north, east and yaw). This fmu is implemented in C++ and the parameters are accessable for the user and can be changed. The most important parameters are listed and described in Table 5.

Table 5: Main parameters and I/Os in ReferenceGenerator.

Name Description Variability Causality Start value
Tpsi Internal low-pass filter time constant for yaw reference parameter internal 50.0 s
Tx Internal low-pass filter time constant for north reference parameter internal 50.0 s
Ty Internal low-pass filter time constant for east reference parameter internal 50.0 s
dpsiMax Maximal yaw-rate in yaw reference output parameter internal 0.003 rad/s
dxMax Maximal north-rate in north reference output parameter internal 0.1 m/s
dyMax Maximal east-rate in north reference output parameter internal 0.1 m/s
timeStep Local fmu solver time-step size continuous internal 0.01 s
solverType Type of numerical solver used parameter internal “Euler”
psi_wp Yaw way-point input continuous input 0.0 rad
psi_tp Global simulation time when psi_wp should be reached continuous input 0.0 s
x_wp North way-point input continuous input 0.0 m
x_tp Global simulation time when x_wp should be reached continuous input 0.0 s
y_wp East way-point input continuous input 0.0 m
y_tp Global simulation time when y_tp should be reached continuous input 0.0 s
psi_ref Continuous yaw reference for DP-controller continuous ouput - rad
x_ref Continuous north reference for DP-controller continuous ouput - m
y_ref Continuous east reference for DP-controller continuous ouput - m
dpsi_ref Continuous yaw-rate reference for DP-controller continuous ouput - rad/s
dx_ref Continuous north-rate reference for DP-controller continuous ouput - m/s
dy_ref Continuous east-rate reference for DP-controller continuous ouput - m/s

To illustrate how the ReferenceGenerator works, consider the following:
At co-simulation time t0 the vessel heading is psi0 and the user sets

psi_wp = psi0 + pi/4
psi_tp = t0 + 50.0

Then, as long as

pi/200.0 <= dpsiMax

The rate of the yaw-reference signal is set to pi/200. If not, it is set to dpsiMax. Next, this yaw-rate gets integrated and smoothed using low-pass filter (with filter time constant Tpsi). Note that also the signal rate (dpsi_ref) gets smoothed using a low-pass filter. Afterwards, both dPsi_ref and psi_ref are fed to the DP-controller.


This fmu contains the DP-controller which controls the position and the orientation of the vessel. Also this fmu is implemented in C++ and the parameters (controller tuning gains) are accessable for the user and can be changed. However, the controller has been tuned and there is no need for changing these paremeters and it is recommended that these parameters are left as is. Table 6 lists the main paramters and I/Os in the fmu. The control law itself is a simple PID-based control law including the rotational matrix for the vessel orientation (yaw).

Table 6: Main parameters and I/Os in DPController.

Name Description Variability Causality Start value
ActivationTime Global simulation time when the DP controller is activated parameter internal 0.0 s
ComTimeStep The communication time-step size between the control system and the vessel parameter internal 1.0 s
timeStep Local fmu solver time-step size continuous internal 1.0 s
solverType Type of numerical solver used parameter internal “Euler”
Kppsi Proportional yaw gain parameter internal 1.5e+08
Kpx Proportional north gain parameter internal 20000
Kpy Proportional east gain parameter internal 20000
Kdpsi Derivative yaw gain parameter internal 1e+09
Kdx Derivative north gain parameter internal 500000
Kdy Derivative east gain parameter internal 500000
Kipsi Integral yaw gain parameter internal 50000
Kix Integral north gain parameter internal 750
Kiy Integral east gain parameter internal 750
psi_ref Continuous yaw reference from ReferenceGenerator continuous input - rad
psi Filtered yaw measurement from NLPobserver continuous input - rad
x_ref Continuous north reference from ReferenceGenerator continuous input - m
x Filtered north measurements from NLPobserver continuous input - m
y_ref Continuous east reference from ReferenceGenerator continuous input - m
y Filtered east measurements from NLPobserver continuous input - m
dpsi_ref Continuous yaw-rate reference from ReferenceGenerator continuous input - rad/s
dpsi Filtered yaw-rate measurements from NLPobserver continuous input - rad/s
dx_ref Continuous north-rate reference from ReferenceGenerator continuous input - m/s
dx Filtered north-rate measurements from NLPobserver continuous input - m/s
dy_ref Continuous east-rate reference from ReferenceGenerator continuous input - m/s
dy Filtered east-rate measurements from NLPobserver continuous input - m/s
ControlMz Global thrust torque (yaw) from DP-controller continuous ouput - Nm
Controlx Global thrust in north from DP-controller continuous output - N
Controly Global thrust in east from DP-controller continuous output - N


This fmu contains the thrust allocation algorithm that takes the commanded global thrust forces from the DP-controller and distributes them as local thruster signals in type of thruster orientation and thrust amplitude. This thrust allocation algorithm is based on Model Predictive Control-theory (MPC) and is thoroughly presented in [5]. Hence, no details will be given here. The main parameters and I/Os in this fmu is given in Table 7.

Table 7: Main parameters and I/Os in ThMPC.

Name Description Variability Causality Start value
Fmax Maximal local trust force generated by each thruster (constraint) parameter internal 1e+07 N
MaxIter Maximal number of interations allowed in the solution procecdure (QP solver) parameter internal 20 -
QF1x Cost function weight for thrust force in x-direction (vessel coord. sys) for thruster 1 (main stern, port-side) parameter internal 0.1 -
QF1y Cost function weight for thrust force in y-direction (vessel coord. sys) for thruster 1 (main stern, port-side) parameter internal 0.1 -
QF2x Cost function weight for thrust force in x-direction (vessel coord. sys) for thruster 2 (main stern, starboard) parameter internal 0.1 -
QF2y Cost function weight for thrust force in y-direction (vessel coord. sys) for thruster 2 (main stern, starboard) parameter internal 0.1 -
QF3 Cost function weight for thrust force in y-direction (vessel coord. sys) for thruster 3 (tunnel thruster, bow) parameter internal 0.1 -
QeMz Cost function weight for global thrust error in Mz (torque) for the time steps in the horizon parameter internal 100.0 -
QeMzN Cost function weight for global thrust error in Mz (torque) for the time steps outside the horizon parameter internal 100.0 -
Qex Cost function weight for global thrust error in north for the time steps in the horizon parameter internal 100.0 -
QexN Cost function weight for global thrust error in north for the time steps outside the horizon parameter internal 100.0 -
Qey Cost function weight for global thrust error in east for the time steps in the horizon parameter internal 100.0 -
QeyN Cost function weight for global thrust error in east for the time steps outside the horizon parameter internal 100.0 -
Qu1x Cost function weight for thrust force rate in x-direction (vessel coord. sys) for thruster 1 parameter internal 20.0 -
Qu1y Cost function weight for thrust force rate in y-direction (vessel coord. sys) for thruster 1 parameter internal 20.0 -
Qu2x Cost function weight for thrust force rate in x-direction (vessel coord. sys) for thruster 2 parameter internal 20.0 -
Qu2y Cost function weight for thrust force rate in y-direction (vessel coord. sys) for thruster 2 parameter internal 20.0 -
Qu3 Cost function weight for thrust force rate in y-direction (vessel coord. sys) for thruster 3 parameter internal 20.0 -
QuF Cost function weight balansing thrust rates and thrust magnitudes (see [5] for more details) parameter internal 500.0 -
biasAngDeg Bias angles for the two main thrusters placed at the stern parameter internal 10.0 deg
dalphaMax Maximal azimuth angle rathes for the thrusters parameter internal 0.2 rad/s
uFmax Maximal local thrust rate magnitudes for the thrusters parameter internal 2000.0 N/s
(x1,y1) xy-position of thruster 1 (vessel coord. sys) parameter internal (-45.0,-7.0) m
(x2,y2) xy-position of thruster 2 (vessel coord. sys) parameter internal (-45.0, 7.0) m
x3 x-position of thruster 3 (tunnel thruster, vessel coord. sys) parameter internal 53 m
refMz Global yaw thrust torque input continuous input 0.0 Nm
refx Global north thrust force input continuous input 0.0 N
refy Global east thrust force input continuous input 0.0 N
F1c Local commanded thrust force thruster 1 continuous output 0.0 N
F2c Local commanded thrust force thruster 2 continuous output 0.0 N
F3c Local commanded thrust force thruster 3 continuous output 0.0 N
Fxg Global commanded north-ward thrust based on local thrust commands continuous output 0.0 N
Fyg Global commanded east-ward thrust based on local thrust commands continuous output 0.0 N
Mzg Global commanded yaw thrust torque based on local thrust commands continuous output 0.0 Nm
alpha1 Commanded azimuth angle for thruster 1 continuous output 0.0 rad
alpha2 Commanded azimuth angle for thruster 2 continuous output 0.0 rad

Note that there also exists other parameters and variables, but these are the most important. To see the others the readers are referred to the ModelDescription.xml-file in the fmu. Also note that the ThMPC-fmu only runs the MPC solver routine every second, and uses the obtained thrust-rates to calculate thruster commands inbetween these quadratic problem (QP) solver time steps.

Model Connections

In this demonstrator case, the model connections are given as follows:

OSOM.Thrust_d[1]        <-  ThMPC.F1c
OSOM.Thrust_d[2]        <-  ThMPC.F2c
OSOM.Thrust_d[3]        <-  ThMPC.F3ci

OSOM.input[1]           <-  ThMPC.alpha1
OSOM.input[2]           <-  ThMPC.alpha2

DPController.x          <-  NLPobserver.y_hat[1]
DPController.y          <-  NLPobserver.y_hat[2]
DPController.psi        <-  NLPobserver.y_hat[3]

DPController.dx         <-  NLPobserver.v_hat[1]
DPController.dy         <-  NLPobserver.v_hat[2]
DPController.dpsi       <-  NLPobserver.v_hat[3]

DPController.x_ref      <-  ReferenceGenerator.x_ref
DPController.y_ref      <-  ReferenceGenerator.y_ref
DPController.psi_ref    <- ReferenceGenerator.psi_ref

DPController.dx_ref     <-  ReferenceGenerator.dx_ref
DPController.dy_ref     <-  ReferenceGenerator.dy_ref
DPController.dpsi_ref   <- ReferenceGenerator.dpsi_ref

NLPobserver.y[1]        <-  OSOM.q[1]
NLPobserver.y[2]        <-  OSOM.q[2]
NLPobserver.y[3]        <-  OSOM.q[3]

NLPobserver.tau[1]      <-  ThMPC.Fxg
NLPobserver.tau[2]      <-  ThMPC.Fyg
NLPobserver.tau[3]      <-  ThMPC.Mzg

ThMPC.refx              <-  DPController.Controlx
ThMPC.refy              <-  DPController.Controly
ThMPC.refMz             <-  DPController.ControlMz

More information on how to use the cosim demo app is available in the user guide, where the DP-Ship demo test case was used as an example.

References and Footnotes

[1] S. Skjong, M. Rindarøy, L. T. Kyllingstad, V. Æsøy, and E. Pedersen, “Virtual prototyping of maritime systems and operations: applications of distributed co-simulations,” J. Mar. Sci. Technol., pp. 1–19, 2017.
[2] S. Skjong and E. Pedersen, “Co-Simulation of a Marine Offshore Vessel in DP-Operations including Hardware-In-the-Loop (HIL),” in Proceedings of the ASME 2017 36th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore, and Arctic Engineering OMAE 2017, 2017.
[3] T. I. Fossen and J. P. Strand, “Passive nonlinear observer design for ships using lyapunov methods: full-scale experiments with a supply vessel,” Automatica, vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 3–16, Jan. 1999.
[4] O. Faltinsen, Sea Loads on Ships and Offshore Structures. Cambridge University Press, 1993. [5] S. Skjong and E. Pedersen, “Non-angular MPC-based Thrust Allocation Algorithm for Marine Vessels -A Study of Optimal Thruster Commands.”

1Note that q is used here as name for the vector containing the vessel position and orientation. This has to do with the name convensions in bond graph modelling theory, where q is often used for the state vector containing position and orientations in mechanical systems.

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