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The purpose of this demo case is to demonstrate separation of control systems and simulators in libcosim and the use of network FMUs.

This toplogy is common when performing hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) simulations. In a HIL setup, the control system is deployed on production hardware and hooked up to an external simulator. The external simulator can be deployed to whatever hardware is available as long as it enables an interface compatible with the control system. The same toplogy can also be seen when running software-in-the-loop (SIL) simulations. SIL is typically used to test and verify system functionality and it is not a requirement that the control system is deployed to production hardware.

This demo case demonstrates that doing simulations with this kind of topology is feasible using libcosim and the OSP configuration format. The case simulates a DP controlled vessel performing a box maneuver while exposed to external forces. NTNU’s research vessel, Gunnerus (Figure 1), has been used as reference for both the vessel and control plant.

Figure 1: Gunnerus

System Description

The HIL/SIL toplogy is emulated by splitting the simulation into two instances: one running the control system (Figure 2) and another running the simulator models (Figure 3). Each instance can run separately on different hardware. A single system configuration (Figure 4), where the control plant and simulator is executed in the same instance, is also provided.

The control system and simulator communicates using a network FMU, custom made for this demo. Each system instantiates a version with an interface for receiving and sending states. For instance, the network FMU in the control system sends thruster commands and receives vessel and environment states. The single system configuration does not use the network FMU.

A list of all FMUs is given in Table 1.

Figure 2: Control System Configuration
Figure 3: Simulator Models Configuration
Figure 4: Single System Configuration

Table 1: List of FMUs in the Gunnerus-DP case.

FMU name Description
Box Reference Provides setpoints for a box maneuver
Control System Communication Network FMU handling communication between control system and simulator
Current Model Current model generating surface current velocities
DP Controller 3-Dof DP controller
Reference Model Reference model providing setpoints to DP
Simulator Communication Network FMU handling communication between control system and simulator. Shown in Figure 2 as FmiUdpAdapter.
Thruster Dynamics Thruster dynamics
Vessel Model 6-dof vessel model

Note that all these fmus contain binaries for win64 only.

OSP Interface Specification

This demo case uses the OSP interface specification (OSP-IS) to simplify model connections. OSP-IS makes it possible to organize FMU variables, defined in a modelDescription.xml file, into higher level variable groups. This removes the tedious work of connecting individual FMU variables and enables configurators to operate at a higher abstraction level.

FMU Descriptions

Box Reference Model

The box reference FMU generates setpoints for north, east and yaw. The model is shown in Figure 5 and the output in Figure 6. The result is a box maneuver which takes the vessel between 0-40m north and 0-40m east. The setpoints are not intended to be directly sent to the DP controller, but should be passed through a reference filter first.

The FMU’s variables are described in Table 2 and OSP-is variable groups in Table 3.

Figure 5: Box Reference Model
Figure 6: Box Reference Output

Table 2: Box Reference model inputs and outputs (I/O).

Name I/O Unit Description
Position[1] O m Setpoint North
Position[2] O m Setpoint East
Position[3] O rad Setpoint Yaw

Table 3: Box Reference model’s OSP-IS variable groups.

Name Comprised variables Description
position_setpoint Position[1], Position[2], Position[3] Setpoint in NED (North-East-Down)

Control System Communication

The control system communication FMU is instantiated in the simulator and is responsible for transmitting simulated states to the control system and to receive thruster commands from the DP controller. Its interface and OSP-IS variables are described in Table 4 and Table 5.

Table 4: Control System Communication inputs and outputs (I/O).

Name I/O Unit Description
Measured_Position[1] I m Vessel north position
Measured_Position[2] I m Vessel east position
Measured_Position[3] I rad Vessel yaw position
Measured_Velocity[1] I m/s Vessel surge velocity
Measured_Velocity[2] I m/s Vessel sway velocity
Measured_Velocity[3] I rad/s Vessel yaw velocity
Measured_Wind[1] I m/s Wind velocity in surge
Measured_Wind[2] I m/s Wind velocity in sway
Measured_Wind[3] I rad/s Wind velocity in yaw
Commanded_Thrust[1] O N Desired thrust from DP in surge
Commanded_Thrust[2] O N Desired thrust from DP in sway
Commanded_Thrust[3] O Nm Desired thrust from DP in yaw

Table 5: Control System Communication’s OSP-IS variable groups.

Name Comprised variables Description
position_3dof Measured_Position[1], Measured_Position[2], Measured_Position[3] NED vector
velocity_3dof Measured_Velocity[1], Measured_Velocity[2], Measured_Velocity[3] 3D body velocity vector
acceleration_3dof Measured_Acceleration[1], Measured_Acceleration[2], Measured_Acceleration[3] 3D body acceleration vector
wind_measurements Measured_Wind[1], Measured_Wind[2], Measured_Wind[3] Wind velocity vector
thrust_command Commanded_Thrust[1], Commanded_Thrust[2], Commanded_Thrust[3] Thrust command in surge, sway and yaw from control system

Current Model

The current model FMU simulates 2D surface current that is used by the vessel model to calculate drag and resistance. It can be enabled or disabled by setting a parameter on the FMU.

The model is based on the Simulink diagram shown in Figure 8 and its FMU and OSP-IS interface is described in Table 6, Table 7 and Table 8. The current velocity vector has six entries, however, only the x and y componentents are non-zero.

Figure 7: Current Model

Table 6: Current Model inputs and outputs (I/O).

Name I/O Unit Description
Current_Velocity[1] O m/s Current velocity in surge
Current_Velocity[2] O m/s Current velocity in sway
Current_Velocity[3] O m/s Always zero
Current_Velocity[4] O rad/s Always zero
Current_Velocity[5] O rad/s Always zero
Current_Velocity[6] O rad/s Always zero

Table 7: Current Model Parameters.

Name Default Description
Enable_Current True Enables or disables current

Table 8: Current Model’s OSP-IS variable groups.

Name Comprised variables Description
current_velocity Current_Velocity[1], Current_Velocity[2], Current_Velocity[3], Current_Velocity[4], Current_Velocity[5], Current_Velocity[6] Current velocity vector

DP Controller

This FMU implements Gunnerus’ DP control system. The control plant consists of proportional-derivative, integrator and reference feed forward parts, all of which can be independently enabled or disabled.

The controller inputs are the vessel’s position in NED (North-East-Down), velocity in BODY, position setpoint in NED, velocity setpoint in BODY and acceleration setpoint in BODY. The acceleration setpoint is required if the reference feed-forward part of the model is enabled.

A complete list of inputs, outputs, tunables and OSP.IS variable groups are shown in Table 9, Table 10 and Table 11.

Table 9: DP Controller inputs and outputs (I/O).

Name I/O Unit Description
Vessel_Position[1] I m Vessel north position
Vessel_Position[2] I m Vessel east position
Vessel_Position[3] I rad Vessel yaw orientation
Vessel_Velocity[1] I m/s Vessel surge velocity
Vessel_Velocity[2] I m/s Vessel sway velocity
Vessel_Velocity[3] I rad/s Vessel yaw velocity
Position_Setpoint[1] I m Position setpoint north
Position_Setpoint[2] I m Position setpoint east
Position_Setpoint[3] I rad Orientation setpoint yaw
Velocity_Setpoint[1] I m/s Velocity setpoint surge
Velocity_Setpoint[2] I m/s Velocity setpoint sway
Velocity_Setpoint[3] I rad/s Velocity setpoint yaw
Acceleration_Setpoint[1] I m/s^2 Acceleration setpoint surge
Acceleration_Setpoint[2] I m/s^2 Acceleration setpoint sway
Acceleration_Setpoint[3] I rad/s^2 Acceleration setpoint yaw
Commanded_Thrust[1] O N Thrust command in surge
Commanded_Thrust[2] O N Thrust command in sway
Commanded_Thrust[3] O Nm Thrust command in yaw

Table 10: DP Controller Parameters

Name Default Description
EnablePDControl True Enables or disables proportional derivative control
EnableIAction True Enables or disables integral action
EnableRefFF True Enables or disables reference feed forward

Table 11: DP Controllers’s OSP-IS variable groups.

Name Comprised variables Description
position_3dof Measured_Position[1], Measured_Position[2], Measured_Position[3] NED vector from vessel model
velocity_3dof Measured_Velocity[1], Measured_Velocity[2], Measured_Velocity[3] 3D body velocity vector from vessel model
position_setpoint Position_Setpoint[1], Position_Setpoint[2], Position_Setpoint[3] NED position setpoint
velocity_setpoint Velocity_Setpoint[1], Velocity_Setpoint[2], Velocity_Setpoint[3] BODY velocity setpoint
acceleration_setpoint Acceleration_Setpoint[1], Acceleration_Setpoint[2], Acceleration_Setpoint[3] BODY velocity setpoint
thrust_command Commanded_Thrust[1], Commanded_Thrust[2], Commanded_Thrust[3] Thrust command in surge, sway and yaw from control system

Reference Model

The reference model provides smooth setpoint signals for the DP controller, ensuring a controlled and stable operation. The signals are based on the desired position provided by the box reference FMU.

A simulink representation of the model is shown in Figure 8 and its inputs, outputs and OSP-IS variable groups are described in Table 12 and Table 13.

Figure 8: Reference Model

Table 12: Reference Model inputs and outputs (I/O).

Name I/O Unit Description
Position_Setpoint[1] I m User defined setpoint north
Position_Setpoint[2] I m User defined setpoint east
Position_Setpoint[3] I rad User defined setpoint yaw
Desired_Position[1] O m Position setpoint north to DP
Desired_Position[2] O m Position setpoint east to DP
Desired_Position[3] O rad Orientation setpoint yaw to DP
Desired_Velocity[1] O m/s Velocity setpoint surge to DP
Desired_Velocity[2] O m/s Velocity setpoint sway to DP
Desired_Velocity[3] O rad/s Velocity setpoint yaw to DP
Desired_Acceleration[1] O m/s^2 Acceleration setpoint surge to DP
Desired_Acceleration[2] O m/s^2 Acceleration setpoint sway to DP
Desired_Acceleration[3] O rad/s^2 Acceleration setpoint yaw to DP

Table 13: Reference Model’s OSP-IS variable groups.

Name Comprised variables Description
position_setpoint Position_Setpoint[1], Position_Setpoint[2], Position_Setpoint[3] NED position setpoint
desired_position Desired_Position[1], Desired_Position[2], Desired_Position[3] Reference filtered NED position setpoint
desired_velocity Desired_Velocity[1], Desired_Velocity[2], Desired_Velocity[3] Reference filtered BODY velocity setpoint
desired_acceleration Desired_Acceleration[1], Desired_Acceleration[2], Desired_Acceleration[3] Reference filtered BODY velocity setpoint

Simulator Communication

The simulator communication FMU is instantiated in the control system and is responsible for transmitting commands to the control system and to receive simulated states vessel and environment models. Its FMU and OSP-IS interfaces are described in Table 14 and Table 15.

Table 14: Simulator Communication inputs and outputs (I/O).

Name I/O Unit Description
Commanded_Thrust[1] I N User defined setpoint north
Commanded_Thrust[2] I N User defined setpoint east
Commanded_Thrust[3] I Nm User defined setpoint yaw
Measured_Position[1] O m Position setpoint north to DP
Measured_Position[2] O m Position setpoint east to DP
Measured_Position[3] O rad Orientation setpoint yaw to DP
Measured_Velocity[1] O m/s Velocity setpoint surge to DP
Measured_Velocity[2] O m/s Velocity setpoint sway to DP
Measured_Velocity[3] O rad/s Velocity setpoint yaw to DP
Measured_Acceleration[1] O m/s^2 Acceleration setpoint surge to DP
Measured_Acceleration[2] O m/s^2 Acceleration setpoint sway to DP
Measured_Acceleration[3] O rad/s^2 Acceleration setpoint yaw to DP
Measured_Wind[1] O m/s Wind velocity in surge
Measured_Wind[2] O m/s Wind velocity in sway
Measured_Wind[3] O rad/s Wind velocity in yaw

Table 15: Simulator Communication’s OSP-IS variable groups.

Name Comprised variables Description
thrust_command Commanded_Thrust[1], Commanded_Thrust[2], Commanded_Thrust[3] Thrust command from DP
position_3dof Measured_Position[1], Measured_Position[2], Measured_Position[3] NED vector from vessel model
velocity_3dof Measured_Velocity[1], Measured_Velocity[2], Measured_Velocity[3] 3D body velocity vector from vessel model
acceleration_3dof Measured_Acceleration[1], Measured_Acceleration[2], Measured_Acceleration[3] 3D body acceleration vector
wind_measurements Measured_Wind[1], Measured_Wind[2], Measured_Wind[3] Wind velocity vector

Thruster Dynamics

This FMU implements simplified thruster dynamics as a low pass filter which can be enabled or disabled. The thruster command is mapped directly to forces acting on the vessel without considering thruster placement. This mapping is instantaneous if thruster dynamics are disabled. It is also possible to enable or disable thrust saturation.

The FMU is based on the simulink model shown in Figure 9 and its interfaces are described in Table 16, Table 17 and Table 18.

Figure 9: Thruster Model

Table 16: Thruster Dynamics inputs and outputs (I/O).

Name I/O Unit Description
Commanded_Thrust[1] I N Thrust demand from DP in surge
Commanded_Thrust[2] I N Thrust demand from DP in sway
Commanded_Thrust[3] I Nm Thrust demand from DP in yaw
Thrust[1] O N Thrust force in surge
Thrust[2] O N Thrust force in sway
Thrust[3] O N Thrust force in heave (always zero)
Thrust[4] O Nm Thrust moment in roll (always zero)
Thrust[5] O Nm Thrust moment in pitch (always zero)
Thrust[6] O Nm Thrust moment in yaw

Table 17: Thruster Dynamics Parameters

Name Default Description
EnableThrustSaturation True Enables or disable thrust force saturation
EnableThrusterDynamics True Enables or disables thruster dynamcis

Table 18: Simulator Communication’s OSP-IS variable groups.

Name Comprised variables Description
thrust_command Commanded_Thrust[1], Commanded_Thrust[2], Commanded_Thrust[3] Thrust command from DP
thrust Thrust[1], Thrust[2], Thrust[3], Thrust[4], Thrust[5], Thrust[6] Total thruster forces in BODY

Vessel Model

This FMU implements vessel dynamics. Its interface is shown in Figure 10. The sum forces input has been split into wave forces and thrust and current velocity must be provided by an external simulation model. In this case the current model FMU. Based on these inputs the FMU produces vessel velocities and accelerations in the BODY frame as well as position in the NED frame.

Additional external forces can be connected to either the wave forces or thrust port. Internally, they are both connected to the same summation block. The current velocity port only considers the x and y components of the input vector. The rest of the entries can be set to zero.

Its interfaces are shown in Table 19 and Table 20.

Figure 10: Vessel Model

Table 19: Thruster Dynamics inputs and outputs (I/O).

Name I/O Unit Description
Wave_Forces[1] I N Wave force in surge
Wave_Forces[2] I N Wave force in sway
Wave_Forces[3] I N Wave force in heave
Wave_Forces[4] I Nm Wave force in roll
Wave_Forces[5] I Nm Wave force in pitch
Wave_Forces[6] I Nm Wave force in yaw
Thrust[1] I N Thrust force in surge
Thrust[2] I N Thrust force in sway
Thrust[3] I N Thrust force in heave
Thrust[4] I Nm Thrust moment in roll
Thrust[5] I Nm Thrust moment in pitch
Thrust[6] I Nm Thrust moment in yaw
Current_Velocity[1] I m/s Current velocity in surge
Current_Velocity[2] I m/s Current velocity in sway
Current_Velocity[3] I m/s Current velocity in heave (always zero)
Current_Velocity[4] I rad/s Current velocity in roll (always zero)
Current_Velocity[5] I rad/s Current velocity in pitch (always zero)
Current_Velocity[6] I rad/s Current velocity in yaw (always zero)
Vessel_Position[1] O m Vessel position in north
Vessel_Position[2] O m Vessel position in east
Vessel_Position[3] O m Vessel position in down
Vessel_Position[4] O m Vessel position in roll
Vessel_Position[5] O m Vessel position in pitch
Vessel_Position[6] O m Vessel position in yaw
Vessel_Velocity[1] O m/s Vessel velocity in surge
Vessel_Velocity[2] O m/s Vessel velocity in sway
Vessel_Velocity[3] O m/s Vessel velocity in heave
Vessel_Velocity[4] O rad/s Vessel velocity in roll
Vessel_Velocity[5] O rad/s Vessel velocity in pitch
Vessel_Velocity[6] O rad/s Vessel velocity in yaw
Vessel_Acceleration[1] O m/s^2 Vessel acceleration in surge
Vessel_Acceleration[2] O m/s^2 Vessel acceleration in sway
Vessel_Acceleration[3] O m/s^2 Vessel acceleration in heave
Vessel_Acceleration[4] O rad/s^2 Vessel acceleration in roll
Vessel_Acceleration[5] O rad/s^2 Vessel acceleration in pitch
Vessel_Acceleration[6] O rad/s^2 Vessel acceleration in yaw

Table 20: Simulator Communication’s OSP-IS variable groups.

Name Comprised variables Description
thrust Thrust[1], Thrust[2], Thrust[3], Thrust[4], Thrust[5], Thrust[6] Total thruster forces in BODY
wave_forces Wave_Forces[1], Wave_Forces[2], Wave_Forces[3], Wave_Forces[4], Wave_Forces[5], Wave_Forces[6] Total wave forces in BODY
current_velocity Current_Velocity[1], Current_Velocity[2], Current_Velocity[3], Current_Velocity[4], Current_Velocity[5], Current_Velocity[6] Current velocity vector
position_6dof Vessel_Position[1], Vessel_Position[2], Vessel_Position[3], Vessel_Position[4], Vessel_Position[5], Vessel_Position[6] Vessel position in NED frame
position_3dof Vessel_Position[1], Vessel_Position[2], Vessel_Position[6] Vessel position in NED frame
velocity_6dof Vessel_Velocity[1], Vessel_Velocity[2], Vessel_Velocity[3], Vessel_Velocity[4], Vessel_Velocity[5], Vessel_Velocity[6] Vessel velocity in BODY frame
velocity_3dof Vessel_Velocity[1], Vessel_Velocity[2], Vessel_Velocity[6] Vessel velocity in BODY frame
acceleration_6dof Vessel_Acceleration[1], Vessel_Acceleration[2], Vessel_Acceleration[3], Vessel_Acceleration[4], Vessel_Acceleration[5], Vessel_Acceleration[6] Vessel acceleration in BODY frame
acceleration_3dof Vessel_Acceleration[1], Vessel_Acceleration[2], Vessel_Acceleration[6] Vessel velocity in BODY frame

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